I am a first year Graduate Student student in the Computer Science Department at Northwestern University. I am interested in broad computer networks research, more specifically distributed sytems. My last 2 pulished works focus on optmizing the internal data structures of large distributed systems. I also like to build systems for
global scale applicaitons
My master's
thesis addresses the performace gaps of running latency sensitive applications on the network edge and proposes a novel approach to manage and provision resources in a hybrid cloud.
I got my master's degree from Saint Louis University and completed my B. Tech from Amity Noida. I have 2 years experience of working as a software developer. And have worked with python, java and js.
Recent Updates
- Our work on EdgeEcho got accepted at CNSM
- Completed my master's thesis at Saint Louis University
- I was awarded Comsoc student award for my work on OCF
Aman Khalid, Flavio Esposito, Alessio Sacco, and Steven C. Smart. "EdgeEcho: An Architecture for Echocardiology at the Edge". In IEEE 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2021). Izmir, Turkey 25-29 October, 2021; (short paper).
A. Khalid and F. Esposito, "Optimized Cuckoo Filters for Efficient Distributed SDN and NFV Applications," 2020 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 2020, pp. 77-83, doi: 10.1109/NFV-SDN50289.2020.9289870.